Appointed Trustee
Seated as a Trustee representing either Labor or the Employers, FIC will execute the Trustee’s oversight duties with skill, care, and prudence.

Independent Consultant
Appointed by the Board as independent consultant, FIC will perform project work for any investment related matters.

Full Fiduciary Services (OCIO)
As an OCIO (known in the industry as Outsourced Chief Investment Officer), our firm will design the Investment Policy and Asset Allocation Policy to be adopted by the Trustees. As OCIO, we will have discretion to implement the Policy. These discretionary duties include manager selection, custodian selection, commission recapture selection, and transition management selection. As OCIO, we will also implement rebalancing within asset allocation Investment Policy ranges. The Trustees will evaluate the performance of the OCIO with quarterly performance reports prepared by an independent third party, using comparative benchmarks and peer universes. Superior risk-adjusted performance (net of investment fees) in consideration of the appropriate peer universe established by the Investment Policy is the goal of OCIO performance. We believe the OCIO service offers the greatest value and the highest level of fiduciary acceptance of the services offered.